NYC Might Ban Location Data on Phones

Marketers spend billions buying location data to better target consumers on mobile devices, but a new law proposed in NYC would put an end to all of that.

The New York City Council has proposed a bill that would prohibit telecommunications carriers and mobile apps from sharing a user’s location data with another person, if the location is within New York City.

The City’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications would enforce the prohibition, which would be $1,000 per violation with a maximum penalty of $10,000 per day per person whose location data was shared unlawfully. This bill would prohibit anyone who receives location data from sharing it with another.

Citizens would also have the right to take action against telecommunications carriers and mobile app developers that break this law.

The State of Personalization

The State of Personalization

Which industries are embracing personalization and what are they spending to do so? I recently authored four reports that dive into how B-to-B, ecommerce/Retail, Financial Services, and Travel/Hospitality marketers are embracing personalization.

Part of our Relevancy.AI Research Subscription, these reports provide insight into the state of personalization including the aspirations, budgets, and tactics of these marketers.

This collection of industry insights offer benchmark data for those marketers in these key industries and a valuable perspective for vendors that offer personalization technologies.

Across industries, one thing is clear; personalization works and more marketers across industries need to advance their targeting tactics to capture and convince prospects and clients alike.

If you are a subscriber to our research, you get these four reports.  Ask us about how to become a subscriber. All of the reports are available for one-off purchases.

Einstein Says: Send Smart!

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Last week, David blogged about our upcoming webinar with Zeta Global during which we’ll be digging into our 2018 consumer survey data and highlighting buying patterns, attitudes, and behaviors. It’s going to be an excellent session – we’ll go deep and wide – but I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a single data point that all marketers need to be mindful of, especially during the holidays: message frequency.

Many consumers do not appreciate the increased volumes of irrelevant email they receive over the holidays, especially as more consumers engage with their email predominantly through their mobile device. Over half the consumers we surveyed reported that they received messages from brands at too fast a cadence and 36% said that the messages they received were not relevant and thus irritating. Twenty-three percent reported that messages they received on their phones weren’t formatted optimally for the small screen, which is surprising to me and concerning, to say the least.

Tune in next week to get the full picture and our take, but until then, send smart: manage your message cadence carefully and ensure the content you share is engaging and driving positive customer experiences – this holiday more users are going to be on devices and reaching for wallets after they’ve reached for their phone.

Email Marketing Mobile Readiness in 2018

How Mobile Ready is Your Email Marketing Program?

In Q4 of 2017, The Relevancy Group (TRG) conducted research on the mobile usage, preferences, and habits of over a thousand U.S. consumers. The research also utilized TRG executive surveys from 2017 and a questionnaire that captured the mobile capabilities from the ten leading Email/Everychannel Service Providers (ESP). Thank you to those ESP vendors and to the sponsors of this research, Branch, BrightWave and Moloco.

Download the research for free with registration.

Enjoy the on-demand webinar Email Marketing Mobile Readiness in 2018.

Key Questions:
What consumer behavior trends should influence email marketing mobile strategies?
How are marketers utilizing mobile apps and what is necessary to optimize that experience?
How important is deep linking and deferred deep linking and what are the benefits they offer?
How mobile ready are the leading ESPs (Email/Everychannel Service Providers)?

Report Excerpt:
For consumers across the US, the mobile phone has quickly become the vehicle of choice for communicating with brands and marketers online. Consumers today engage with brands through mobile apps and email on their mobile devices, more often than they do through their desktop or laptop computers. On the mobile device, itself, consumers clearly prefer apps to the mobile web as demonstrated by metrics like time spent, conversion rate and average order value – all significantly higher in apps than on mobile web, or, in many cases, even desktop. This paradigm shift away from the desktop has come with big opportunities as marketers can now leverage real-time data and location variables to drive more relevant an immersive experiences at the times and places where they can create the most value. Capitalizing on the opportunities can, for many marketers, be challenging, but data indicate that the major vendors in the Email Marketing/Everychannel space are now beginning to provide the tools, technology, partnerships, and services to enable marketers and delight consumers.

This research highlights the importance of addressing audiences away from the desktop, explores and compares the features, functionality, partnerships, and services that are important to various buyers of marketing technology for email, and provides analyst insight into how brands and marketers can best position themselves for mobile success.

The Research: 18 pages, 7 Charts, 4,241 words. Sponsored by Branch, BrightWave and Moloco. Learn more about the sponsors in this research document.

Research Subscriber Series – 2018

The Relevancy Group Research Subscriber Series – The 2018 Offering

What is it? An annual subscription to our 2018 research The Relevancy Groupthat includes access to our back catalog of original hypothesis driven research.  The Research Subscriber Series includes our Relevancy Ring Buyer’s Guides, market landscapes, industry specific research and tactical advice that is based on case studies, executive and consumer surveys.  Each report comes with inquiry access to go one-on-one with the analyst(s) that authored and/or contributed to the research. We provide direct access to answers.

Company Wide Access: With an annual subscription to The Research Subscriber Series, you get company wide access to the latest and best thinking from The Relevancy Group (TRG). Topics cover Martech and Adtech strategies and tactics as well as provide detailed survey analysis of thousands of executives and consumers. $15,000.00 Annually.

Benefits of The Research Subscriber Series:

  • Inquiry access to our tenured TRG analysts.
  • Access to back catalog of research.
  • Company wide access to research.
  • Custom analysis of TRG survey data.
  • Exclusive access to quarterly trend webinars solely for research subscribers
  • Ability to purchase distribution rights to research papers and/or webinar sponsorship.

2018 Research Topics

  • Email Marketing, Customer Experience
  • Everychannel, Omnichannel Marketing
  • Madtech (Martech + Adtech)
  • Customer Data Platforms, Data Management, Data Onboarding (CDP, DMP)
  • Identity Management/Resolution
  • Personalization, Targeting and Retargeting
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Mobile
  • Video
  • Social
  • Automation, Campaign Management
  • Data Hygiene and Acquisition
  • Attribution and Analytics

Primary Industries Covered

  • Financial Services
  • Media/Publishing
  • Retail
  • Travel/Hospitality

2018 Report Titles

  • Consumer Email Marketing Trends
  • Consumer Mobile Marketing Trends
  • Consumer Social Marketing Trends
  • State of The Email Marketing Industry 2018
  • Email Marketing Forecast
  • ESP Buyer’s Guide
  • Email Agency Buyer’s Guide
  • Customer Data Platform Buyer’s Guide
  • Identity Management Buyer’s Guide
  • Personalization Machine Learning Buyer’s Guide
  • Analytics Buyer’s Guide
  • Video Platform Buyer’s Guide
  • Digital Agency Buyer’s Guide
  • Madtech Acquisition Trends
  • Email Marketing Acquisition Benchmark
  • State of Retail Marketing
  • State of Financial Services Marketing
  • State of Media/Publishing Marketing
  • State of Travel/Hospitality Marketing
  • Martech Innovators
  • Adtech Innovators
  • Mobile Apps Benchmark
  • State of Digital Video Advertising
  • State of Identity Management
  • People Based Marketing Benchmark
  • Everychannel Attribution, End of The Last Click
  • Advertising Trends in 2018
  • Social Marketing Innovators   *Titles subject to change

Who are the authors? The Relevancy Group is proud to have the most tenured research staff of any analyst/research firm in the industry. They are the best from Forrester Research, Jupiter Research, The IAB, NPD Group, eMarketer and App Annie. All of our analysts have at least 15 years of experience in their coverage area as a practitioner, industry analyst – or both. Learn more about our team.

What does it cost? $15,000 for 28 reports which is a 15% discount from buying them on a one off basis.  This provides enterprise level access, and is a fantastic value for any organization seeking the latest analysis. As a former Jupiter Research and Forrester Research executive I also know it is the most affordable comprehensive apporach to delivering the best original research with the most tenured staff.

Subscribe today, contact us  or call 877.962.6886 for additional information.

The Marketer Quarterly Issue 15

Get The Latest Issue of The Marketer Quarterly

Free with registration get the latest edition of the digital magazine for marketers by marketers. This isssue includes an excerpt of The Relevancy Group’s Email Agency Buyer’s Guide, CMO Interviews and the latest on digital marketing trends. Additionally this issue covers:

  • Social Drives Honda Campaign
  • American Express Campaign Parodies Business Jargon
  • L’Eclisse Makeup Video Tutorials Showcases New Line

Register to get the a free subscription or download the MQ App and read it on all mobile platforms.The Marketer Quarterly

Research Subscriber Series – 2017

The Relevancy Group Research Subscriber Series – The 2017 Offering

What is it? An annual subscription to our 2017 research The Relevancy Groupthat includes access to our back catalog of original hypothesis driven research.  Each coverage area will produce 12 original reports in 2017, which should not be confused with our sponsored research which is available for free with registration.  The Research Subscriber Series includes our Relevancy Ring Buyer’s Guides, market landscapes and tactical advice that is based on executive and consumer surveys as well as case studies.  Each report comes with 30 minutes of inquiry time allowing to go one-on-one with the analyst that authored and/or contributed to the research. We provide direct access to answers.

Who are the authors? The Relevancy Group is proud to have the most tenured research staff of any analyst/research firm in the industry. All of our analysts have at least 15 years of experience in their coverage area as a practitioner, industry analyst – or both. Learn more about our team.

What does it cost? Each coverage area is available for $5,000.00 which includes 12 new reports a year plus access to previous Research Subscriber Series from that coverage area. Purchase all three coverage areas and get 32 original research reports and analyst access for $15,000.00 dollars. This is a tremendous discount to purchasing our research on a one-off basis and a fantastic value for any organization seeking the latest analysis. As a former Jupiter Research and Forrester Research executive I also know it is the most affordable comprehensive apporach to delivering the best original research with the most tenured staff.

What are the coverage areas?  There are three distinct coverage areas, yet our analysts do collaborate to ensure that we have a consistent understanding of these disparate topics. The coverage area and research topics for each are as follows:

  • Email/Everychannel Marketing
  • Madtech, the marriage of Martech and Adtech
  • Social Marketing and Publishing

Email MarketingEmail/Everychannel Marketing 2017 Report List            *report titles subject to change

ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HERE, $5,000.00 Annually | Questions about this offering – ask us!

Get a  free example of a report from 2016 – ask us!

Report Title Month
Consumer Marketing Trends January
TRR ESP Buyers Guide 2017 February
State of Email Industry 2017 March
Email Acquisition Tactics April
Fast Marketing: A Real-Time Data Case Study May
Email Hygiene Vendor Landscape June
Best Practices Round-up 2017 July
2017 Martech Innovators August
TRR Email Agency Buyer’s Guide 2017 September
Machine Learning in Email Marketing October
Holiday Email Marketing Guide November
Adaptive Content Case Studies December

, $5,000.00 Annually | Questions about this offering – ask us!
Madtech (Martech+Adtech) 2017 Report List *report titles subject to change Identity Marketing       

Get a  free example of a report from 2016 – ask us!


Report Title Month
Emergence of Madtech 2017: How DMPs are Enabling People-Based Marketing January
Programmatic Advertising Trends in 2017 February
Mobile Identity Resolution March
People Based Marketing Trends 2017 April
Madtech, DMP Buyer’s Guide 2017 May
State of Identity Management 2017 June
Video Advertising Trends July
Madtech Services Landscape –  Best Practices to Selecting an Agency August
2017 Madtech Vendor Innovators September
Madtech Data – How First Party Data is Being Utilized October
Consumer Advertising Trends November
Beyond The Walled Garden – Growing a New Farm December

ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HERE, $5,000.00 Annually | Questions about this offering – ask us!Social Marketing and Publishing 2017 Report List *report titles subject to changeSocial Marketing     

Get a  free example of a report from 2016 – ask us!


Report Title Month
All About Attribution January
Consumer Social Trends February
Social Acquisition Advertising March
Snapchat – Marketing Guide & Tactics April
Facebook – Marketing Guide & Tactics May
Video Marketing Trends June
2017 Social Vendor Innovators July
Mobile App Marketing August
Social Publishing Landscape September
Customer Experience – Social Listening  Case Study October
Social Marketing Amid Fake News November
The New Paper – Social Publishing Case Study December

ORDER ALL THREE COVERAGE AREAS $15,000.00 annual subscription *report titles subject to change | Questions about this offering – ask us!

Quantifying the Rise of Mobile Apps & The Value of Deep Linking

Quantifying the Rise of Mobile Apps & The Value of Deep Linking

Branch Deep LinkingWritten by Nicholas Einstein, David Daniels

Branch, Mobile Apps, Deep Linking, Email Marketing, Deferred Deep Linking

About: Published in September 2016, This is the first of its kind research on the topic of deep linking and deferred deep linking. We investigate the rise of mobile apps and the necessity for email marketers to utilize new technology to support deep linking to optimize the mobile email experience. The research outlines mobile app adoption by marketers as well as challenges, aspirations and spending on mobile marketing endeavors. The research provides thorough analysis of deep linking for email marketing including adoption and the value and ROI of utilizing tactics to ensure deep linking works properly.

We address these topics:

  • Adoption of mobile app marketing in comparison to other marketing channels
  • Best practices to imporve the mobile app experiences today
  • How to prioritize deep linking investments and justify them through ROI analysis
  • The role of contextual data in the mobile app email marketing experience.
Report Excerpt: 
Respondents to the TRG Summer Executive Survey rated their mobile app among the most effective channels for driving revenue for their business. When asked to “rate the effectiveness of each channel in terms of delivering revenue results for your business,” more than 75 percent rated their app as being highly or somewhat effective. This high rank puts mobile higher than stalwart channels like paid search and direct mail.
The Research: 8 pages, 5 graphics 2663 words.